
Bank Runs in America -- The Bank is the Thief in the Night you Need to worry About the Most 4K

Bank Runs in America -- The Bank is the Thief in the Night you Need to worry About the Most 4K Bank Runs in America -- The Bank is The Thief in the Night you Need to worry About the Most
According to Bloomberg; Global banks are unintentionally stocking up on risky corporate loans as a result of investors beginning to cut risk in the credit markets.

Barkleys and Deutsche Bank are sophisticated bankers, but last to see investors preparing for the 2019 recession, and smart money leaving markets.
- Billions are small when considering $70 Trillion in negative yield bonds that project weakness to every nation
- Bankers like politicians are too involved with many forms of Nepotism to see the forest!

I can’t remember ever having repos and zero percent interest rates simultaneously.

How can we have a lack of liquidity; when at the same time money is being borrowed at such a low rate?
What it tells me is, money is going out faster than it’s going in, and without the repos, they would default on their payments, creating a seizure.
You want a timeline?
How about when the repos end!
I frankly don’t see a way out of this without some type of default or bail-in.
Quantitative easing is no longer working, and the banks can’t borrow any more money.
At a certain point, there will be a big bank failure or multiple failures, which will involve at least some form of a bail-in and presumably some type of bailout, although they may call it something else.
When and which bank or banks; is yet to be determined.

The repos are the last line of defense; Period.

War is peace.
Slavery is freedom.
Ignorance is strength.
Debt is wealth.
Welcome to Atlantis Report.

Debt ruins everything. It caused the 100 Years War and the War of the Roses way back when.

Underwater with debt means WAR. Actual history widescreens this quite elegantly.

Most currencies in the world are based solely on debt. It all has to be borrowed into existence. It is the most insane proposition the world has ever known, and its proponents are the epitome of evil.

The US total DEBT is north of $206 Trillion.
So much debt, so little gold.

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