
5 Kindle Marketing The 4 Very Crucial Things You Must Never Lose Focus on

5  Kindle Marketing The 4 Very Crucial Things You Must Never Lose Focus on OK so what are the four absolutely crucial things you need to focus on with your Kindle publishing.

Now these are the main points of marketing with him in Amazon that you can directly affect.

Now there is one of these that you can kind of effect but not fully.

But let's go into that.

So number one is your book cover as I mentioned earlier the book cover is super important.

It's got to be appealing has got to look good to stand out from the competition.

And we're going to go into that lighter as well of course don't worry.

But I just want you to remember that these this is one of the four major things.

Number two is are taught in subtitles so it needs to sound good.

It needs to appeal to your consumers emotions and very importantly it needs to be keyword rich.

OK so let's go to have some key words throughout the Todd and subtitle and that's very very important.

Number three is your book description again.

We want to use key words in this.

We want to use hige T.M. we want it to be written well so kind of sales copy writing and it's got to

look really good as well.

And number four is reviews book reviews.

Now this one you can directly affect as much.

I mean you know you only get reviews from people naturally bad reviews good reviews they all happen

but you can be proactive in getting review reviews for your book.

You can ask people to leave you a review you can give out free copies and ask people to review.

I mean you have to be careful with how you ask what you ask for as Amazon's terms of service.

You need to be careful with how you do it you need to do it the right way.

And but you can be proactive in doing it.

And if you are proactive into it doing it then you're going to be a step ahead of a lot of other people

because this is one of the crucial crucial things to helping your book rank social proof and making

it look popular.

So in the next lesson.

Let's go through key words and how very very important they are to use in your book.

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