
20191130 1600 LZR Kopan - Understand your suffering and that of others to generate compassion

20191130 1600  LZR Kopan - Understand your suffering and that of others to generate compassion Rinpoche started the teaching explaining how to look at all causative phenomena like a dream, mirage and so forth. Then Rinpoche spoke about the meaning of the Heart Sutra, just hearing the words leaves positive imprint on the mind. The Heart Sutra explains how all phenomena and their very nature is existing in mere name, labelled by the mind and because of that everything is empty. From beginningless rebirths we have been suffering because we have not been liberated from the cause of suffering, which is delusion and karma. The root of suffering is ignorance. This is why Buddha taught the Prajnaparamita, the teachings on emptiness. Rinpoche then explained that it is only by understanding your own suffering of samsara, that you can have compassion towards other people’s sufferings. You need to understand your own suffering and the suffering of others to then have bodhichitta realization, to free the numberless sentient beings from the oceans of samsaric suffering and bring to enlightenment. If you don’t feel the suffering of others then your compassion is very limited. It’s important to meditate according to how it is explained in the text, following the outlines on how to develop your mind. If you practice tantra without compassion then you won’t achieve enlightenment. Rinpoche then explained some quotes on the need to look at our life as a hallucination and how all the activities in samsara are meaningless. Nothing exists from its own side, what exists, exists in mere name, merely labeled by the mind. The ignorance holding true existence and believing real, exaggerates everything as real. Then after that we discriminate good and bad and then attachment and anger arises. It’s so important to understand this process. Then in regards to the motivation, everything that we do with attachment and clinging to this life, becomes non-virtue. Then every action, whatever we do then becomes non-virtue, meaningless and the cause of suffering.


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