
17.12.2019 (1607) - The FRUSTRATION of knowing the TRUTH

17.12.2019 (1607) - The FRUSTRATION of knowing the TRUTH I think the main cause of the Frustration is knowing that the Truth means nothing at all to people who don't want to / cannot break free from the Cognitive Dissonance we all inherit from Establishment Brainwashing?
Having to put up with Laughter & Ridicule simply for existing, does not help.
But, although those close to us can be a part of the problem too, just remember that we were part of the General Public once over. Unable to use our own Commonsense & Brains. Openly Trusting & Defending the words of people we will never meet, simply because they are attached to an "Establishment Label".

It's a losing battle, but Stay Strong. THE JOKE IS ON THEM ;)

Want a Guarantee? I Guarantee you will be kicking yourself if you don't have a look into "Flat Earth". Just don't knock it before you look for yourself. The Subject is extremely interesting & it should certainly start the ball rolling for you, with regards "Truth".
Just remember to keep clear of Mainstream lies & disinformation from the "Flat Earth Society", "NASA", "Neil deGrasse Tyson" & "Bill Nye" ;)

Our very Existence is under attack, in so many ways. People need to pay attention & stop making excuses. But, it is ALL up to you & me.
Silence "IS" Consent!

Free to Share / Mirror etc., if you wish, providing there's no malice. It is NOT about the Shares, Views, Likes, Money etc., because I do all this off my own back. It's pure & simply about getting the word out.
Thanks for viewing & all the very best :D

Chemtrail,Contrail,Vapour trail,Darlington,Flat Earth & our Man-made Sky,Terraform,Aircraft,Airline,Weather,Warfare,Modification,Manipulation,Cloud seed,Solar Radiation Management,Global Warming,Climate Change,Agenda 21,Agenda 2030,Mind,Thought,Population,Control,Aerosol,Alzheimer,Autism,Genocide,Poison,Toxic,HAARP,Nexrad,Doppler,Frequenc,GeoEngineer,Cloud Formation,Sky,Air raid,Chemical Attack,Pennine,Flat Earth,5G,

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