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Videos can use content-based copyright law contains reasonable use Fair Use ( For many Brits, what the purple poppy means and where to get one is a mystery. Here is all you need to know about the purple pin. What does it mean? This purple poppy was created in 2006 in remembrance of the animal victims of war. All donations originally went to the charity Animal Aid, but more recently stolen dog charity Murphy's Army have taken over. Animal Aid Director, Andrew Tyler, said in a statement on the charity website: "Our aim was to make it clear that animals used in warfare are indeed victims, not heroes. They do not give their lives; their lives are taken from them. In order to distance itself from the established narrative of animals as heroic servants of the people, Animal Aid have turned the purple poppy into a pin that can be worn in remembrance. Where can I buy a purple poppy? The main appeal is now being headed by Murphy’s Army. The poppy's can usually be purchased from the Murphy's Army website - but unfortunately they have all sold out. A range of purple poppy merchandise, from mugs to key chains, are still available. Badges and other products can be purchased from Ebay, but not all of these payments will go towards charity endeavours. A Purple Paw pin - to commemorate all animal victims of human exploitation - can be purchased from the Animal Aid website.