
Testimonies of Jesus Saving Folks from the Pharisee!!!

Testimonies of Jesus Saving Folks from the Pharisee!!! Johnny Ragin III
Johnny Ragin III
21 hours ago (edited)
I grew up and was raised in the Catholic church. Throughout my 23 years within that church, I never once learned about the grace of God. I was led to believe that I had to (and that I could) earn my salvation by adhering to the standards they had set forth. Last year, after speaking with my then girlfriend, now fiancΓ©, God removed the veil from my heart. I now know that I am saved by faith alone in Christ alone. To believe that we can earn our salvation means that God would owe us something or that He is indebted to us because of our “righteous works” (filthy rags), so silly. The Creator of the universe owes no one anything and is indebted to no one, He has given us eternal life freely in Christ. It’s such a freedom knowing that I am under grace. I want to live to please God and glorify Him with my life out of love for Him, not out of fear of hell. I am forgiven, redeemed, and reconciled. I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus, an heir of God, and a co-heir with Christ Jesus, hallelujah. God bless you brother Barry!

When you were dead in your sins and in the uncircumcision of your flesh, God made you alive with Christ. He forgave us all our sins, having canceled the charge of our legal indebtedness, which stood against us and condemned us; he has taken it away, nailing it to the cross. And having disarmed the powers and authorities, he made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross. (Colossians‬ ‭2:13-15‬)


Barry Scarbrough

Jesus forever, love and faith Forever
Jesus forever, love and faith Forever
21 hours ago (edited)
At a young child I had been put in a depressing environment. My parents were on drugs and alcohol. I always knew that I was never cared for. They always had something else on there mind, even if I was the child in the situation I was never put first. I grew up thinking that I had to attach myself to objects like Barbie dolls or characters from cartoons so that way I wouldn't have to lose them. I would spend time in fantasy land trying to get away from the cruel world. I had always put my trust near my pears and they always let me down. I had been abused and hurt for 5 years straight. One day I got depressed and the usual things that made me happy didn't make me feel better. I then tried to learn about heaven to see if that would make me happy. I soon realized so many things and I'm so happy the Lord has allowed me as a 14 year old to stand out on my own and leave the old sinful life I was in. Praise Jesus Christ and all he has done. We fly so soon. Love all you brothers and sister.πŸ˜πŸ’›πŸ’š


Barry Scarbrough

Sandra Dorschner
Sandra Dorschner
20 hours ago
I grew up in a non religious household, nevertheless as a little girl my mom taught me a little prayer"i am small, my heart is pure, nobody should live in there than Jesus alone"it rimes in German. Now thinking back, as a little girl I believed only Jesus was living in there. Time went by and we never talked much about faith. But I know that I talked a lot to God. In 2009 my father became very ill with aggressive cancer, a couple of months before he died he asked my mother to please call the pastor in their village, he needed to talk to him. I wasn't there, but on that day everything changed. It was like Jesus was saying "finaly they realy found me" I live 100 km away but all three of us(my brother months later) had a complete believe in our lord. Then I started to surch for people or a church that I can learn from,but nothing sounded right for my spirit. And than I found YouTube and all these channels. The first ones I found teached the work salvation. I was horrified of the doctrine, it didn't feel right. But they still got me, because I didn't know better. I became depressed, because I knew I will never go to heaven. But our lord πŸ₯° he directed me to one grace channel to another, and finally it felt right. It's like I was teached already in the time before all of that. I know it sounds weird, but I believe Jesus was from that moment I prayed that little prayer with my mother in my heart. Sorry if my writing isn't that good, I gave my best(English for a German πŸ˜‰) God bless you allπŸ•Š️πŸ•Š️πŸ•Š️


Barry Scarbrough

Rhonda Schieffer
Rhonda Schieffer
20 hours ago
I was in college and so deep in sin. I cried out to God and asked for forgiveness but I don’t know if I truly believed in Jesus for salvation. I then continued on a sinful path in life I began searching on how I can know I can go to heaven. I attended a Catholic Church only to feel empty. Then a few years ago I heard about being saved by faith alone in a Christian church! I felt so relieved! But I have always wondered if I was truly saved back then but just ignored God all those years or was I not saved until a few years ago ?? Now I listen to you each day and feel so happy but eager to get out of this earth


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