Email: mollyannbryant@gmail.com
Paypal: paypal.me/eyecandywisdomquest
Cashapp: $housewivestarot
Private readings are 2.00 per minute with a turnaround of 3 to 5 business days and excludes holidays. Emergency readings are 75.00 with a turnaround of 24 to 48 hrs. After payment is sent, send a SS of your receipt to mollyannbryant@gmail.com along with your questions and names of all parties involved. (Readings are non-refundable, NO PREGNANCY, HEALTH, OR LEGAL)
(Readings are for entertainment purposes only. Molly Bryant- Real Housewives of Tarot is not held responsible for any parties free will choices, and readings are not a substitute for medical care and diagnoses- mental, emotional, or physical.)