
Seven Off-Putting Bible Verses Explained (Braxton Hunter)

Seven Off-Putting Bible Verses Explained (Braxton Hunter) In yet another oh-so charitable response, Braxton Hunter ( corrects Mr. Atheist (tm) and others like him on seven misunderstood verses.  References Braxton makes are linked in the description of the original vid.   

As always with bible-bashers, said verses are de-contextualized (Deuteronomy is a usual go-to for such verses).   
Like many verses, these do seem mystifying at face value, particularly the nut-grabbing incident.  But Hunter is more gracious than I am when dealing with guys like Jimmy but I'll add more commentary on what he could have hit hard on. 

Other than Jimmy's historical illiteracy (his anachronistic placing of synagogues - which he mistakes the tabernacle for - a long time before they were a thing), he is obviously not educated in history much at all.  He makes an accusation of the big bad Christians using Psalm 137 to justify killing infants in sieges (one can assume he means the Crusades), but he never cited any instance of this.  He's also unaware that the author of Tim was correcting proto-Gnostic heresies popping up at the time (which taught that Eve was created first and stuff like that).  But naturally as an SJW, he would read misogyny into that.  

He probably doesn't know that Paul wasn't the author of Tim, nor was he sexist as I would have no doubt he probably insinuates.  Most bible-bashers never read the letter of Paul (or the letters attributed to him) in full, but if they did, they would realize Paul was progressive for his time; even had women working with him and entrusted them to deliver letters to people as we see in Romans.  As with the gay thing, what was first and foremost in where Paul was getting at, is don't be like the pagans.  Notice bible-bashers can't cite anywhere in scripture where either he or Jesus condone intolerance towards gays, or bigotry of any kind. 

He's obviously never read Philemon and how Paul tried to get Christians out of slavery, gradually.  It wasn't gonna happen overnight, obviously.  Long explanations short, it was practical at the time, but it had to be within reason.  Slavery was so intristic to ancient society, that it took a long time for uniquely Christian condemnations of it to take hold and for the institution to decline.  The recommendations by Paul (especially in Philemon) made slavery less dreadful, especially with the later Christian-introduced idea that slavery was an affront to essential God-given human dignity.  Ironically for anti-Christian nutjobs, Christians were the first people in the ancient world to recognize that slavery was inherently wrong.  I have several vids on that, as does Hunter.  

Near the end, here we go with the cherry-picking accusation (which Jimmy just did throughout this entire vid).  But while many Christians do cherry-pick, bible-bashers always do it.  Instead of verses to support one's own beliefs or preferences, bible-bashers do it with off-putting verses (mostly in the Old Testament).  Also, more irony; he claims secular humanism is superior, yet humanism was originally a religious movement that modern "secular" humanism has to leech from.  Jimmy's really not that smart so I don't suspect he knows that.  Notice he never says where God is "wrong time and time again".  

I also got a laugh when he said now is the greatest time to be alive.  Now, in clown world, where society is more uncultured and superficial than it's been in over half a century.  But I suspect he think this because people take him seriously, where people in their right minds generally wouldn't 20 years ago.  He truly is a product of this post-90s cultural wasteland.  But it's good that the inadequacy of guys like him is plain for all to see.

Mr Atheist,Context,

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