Caitlin Shetterly is the author of Modified: GMOs and the Threat to Our Food, Our Land, Our Future (Putnam, 2016) which was a winner of the Maine Literary Award for Best Nonfiction of 2016, was named one of the Best Books of 2016 by Publisher’s Weekly, and a Top Pick of 2016 by Goop; Made for You and Me: Going West, Going Broke and Finding Home (Voice, 2011); and the Indie bestseller Fault Lines: Stories of Divorce (Putnam Berkely Group, 2001).
Caitlin writes regularly for The New York Times and her work has been featured in The New York Times Magazine, Elle, Self, DownEast, and on websites of Oprah.com, CNN.com and Medium.com. Caitlin has been a regular contributor to NPR and PRI with stories on Weekend Edition, Morning Edition,This American Life, Studio 360 and various other public radio shows. From 2003-2007, Caitlin wrote the dating column for the Portland Phoenix.
Caitlin lives with her two sons, husband, cat and rabbit in Maine. She is currently at work on a novel set in her home state and a collection of interconnected poems about family and the environment.
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