
New World Order Agenda - Stay Awake

New World Order Agenda - Stay Awake URGENT WARNING!
Bible End Times Prophecy

Talks of a UN Soldiers deployment to the US, US Marines on standby for Martial Law, a Bolshevick style Presidential Coup in the works, and more. Pressing matters, rapture imminent:


We see many Christians around the world are being persecuted and censored for holding to the teachings of the Bible. This is just the beginning of the persecution of Christians who will be deemed as hateful bigots, and a threat to society.


It appears an economic collapse looms above our head, as the petro dollar is at stake in Saudi Arabia and the Strait of Hormuz concerning various oil attacks. Meanwhile, the BOE Governor Mark Carney proposes to do away with the US petrodollar and establish a One World crypto currency that will most likely link to the Mark of the Beast (RFID chip implant).


We see WW3 tensions are increasing internationally and according to this Christian prophecy, which proved true. World War III is just around the corner!


Various cities in countries worldwide are protesting and rioting in the streets - Hong Kong, Chile, Barcelona, France, Etc. Meanwhile, a Presidential Coup and impeachment is forming in the United States of America. "Order Out of Chaos" is the Freemason motto and soon the AntiChrist One World Order will rise to power (Revelation 13).


Israel is eagerly awaiting their Messiah (the AntiChrist) to confirm the 7 year peace deal (Daniel 9:27) before Jesus returns to reign and rule. Several Kabbalah Rabbis (unbiblical) prophesies are being published publically at to usher in the False Messiah and garner support for the Third Temple, along with a "renewed Noah covenant" with 70 nations by the San Hedrin?


The Jews rejected Him, Muhammad of Islam calls Him a prophet, the Jehovah Witnesses say He is an angel incarnated, Mormons say He is not God, the Hindus say He is only a Holy Man, the New Age makes Him into a normal man who ascended through occult practices, Buddhist say He was enlightened. So, who exactly is Jesus? Please see the link for an in-depth look at the identity of Jesus.


Pope Francis, who appears to be the False Prophet of Daniel's 70th Week, seems to be uniting the world religions and cultures together in apostasy to make way for the One World Religion of the AntiChrist (Revelation 13). While the truth of the Bible slips further and further away from the world.


It seems the digital infrastructure is being constructed behind the scenes for the One World Order of the AntiChrist to be unveiled when the Beast is in full swing with a surveillance type police state similar to communist China. The Beast system will be able to hear all, see all, and track your every move with various appliances and digital acessories.


The Freemasons, Scottish Rite, Illuminati, and the like, have infiltrated and controlled the narrative of our country by pulling strings in positions of power behind the scenes since the foundation of the USA in order to conspire to establish the New World Order of the AntiChrist and overthrow Biblical Christianity.


The Red Vs Blue, Republican Vs Democrat, narrative seems to be increasing tension between the United States citizens as Civil War appears to be moments away. Media propaganda and elected officials fuel the divide according to the satanic agenda.


10/2019 - Trump pulls American Military out of Syria, leaving Israel without support, and opening up a strong Gog and MaGog alliance presence in Syria.

--Final Moments!!


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