
It is Claimed that Letter 56, 1911 was Written by Ellen. But when did you ever sign a letter twice?

It is Claimed that Letter 56, 1911 was Written by Ellen. But when did you ever sign a letter twice? When was the last time you signed a letter twice? Something is happening here that is being kept in the dark....

It’s important to remember that the volume of the counterfeit SOP is many times larger than the authentic Spirit of Prophecy. This means that there may not be something in the authentic Spirit of Prophecy that directly meets the counterfeit.

• We have that going for this video

• We are going to look at Letter 56, 1911; which claims to be written by Ellen, but I think otherwise. This letter claims Ellen endorses the 1911GC, I do not believe that. We present the proof and you be the judge.

• Each photo will be up for at least 10 seconds. This will give you time to stop the video and read the text on your time. I will be making some comments.

• In the first page you can see who the letter is to.

• Second page has an important phrase marked. “I regard this new edition with great satisfaction.” By this I know she did not read it.

• Then on the fourth page we have some important information. There are other workers wanting to make changes, and Ellen, allegedly, “carefully examined, and approved.” Which means that Ellen has approved the entire book. I do not believe this to be the case.

• Now cometh the ninth page. Here we see not one, but two signatures by Ellen, endorsing and approving the entire book. But there is a problem with this; the signatures do not match. In fact, they are very different.

• In the first signature we see Ellen’s middle name spelled out; something she never did. Who but an impostor would attempt to do such a thing? What is their motive? Is not this good evidence that Ellen did not sign it? I think so.

• Now look at the second signature. It is my guess that this is a rubber stamp signature. Willie had one you know. It does look very similar to the signature in the front of the 1880 Life Sketches.

• But there are other, more important reasons that Ellen probably did not sign this letter. We will be presenting some of these in a few videos following.

God Bless your Study

[ FAIR USE NOTICE: Per 17 U.S.C. § 107, this video may contain copyrighted material for nonprofit educational research purposes. ]

Here are the links for the important materials you should have.

The Authentic Testimonies for the Church No.1 through No.30

Download them while you can. They are $0.00 = Free

Spiritual Gifts Vol. I & II — $10.00

Spiritual Gifts Vol. III & IV — $10.00

Life Incidents — $22.00

EGW Letters & Manuscripts w/ Annotations, Volume 1 (1845-1859) — $45.00

Present Truth No.11 — $0.00 = Free

Entire Present Truth Articles 1-11 — $0.00 = Free

ORL Crosier’s The Law of Moses
The Day-Star Extra — $0.00 = Free

The Day-Star — First Part Only — $0.00 = Free

Ellen G. White Writings Comp. Research Edition CD – $15.00

CD-ROM Software Updates & Patches — $0.00 = Free
Issue 8 - Letters and Manuscripts Folio Views Infobase update
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This allows you to read and search Ellen White's Letters and Manuscripts from the years 1947-1915

Today you can go to this link:
and see for yourself. The official SDA church position is that “We are a mainstream Protestant church....”

Gail Riplinger’s site on the KJV Bible

In Awe of Thy Word by G.A. Riplinger — $39.95
Understanding the King James Bible
Its Mystery & History
Letter By Letter


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While I do not agree with everything this man says, he has done an excellent job of documenting what the SDA church has done.

1911 great controversy,letter 56 1911,egw,Ellen G White,counterfeit SOP,authentic original Spirit of Prophecy,

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