
Do you constantly think about food or what food you can’t have?

Do you constantly think about food or what food you can’t have? Are you sick of feeling hungry?

Are you tired of losing weight and putting it all back on and more?

Do you want to feel good about yourself and love your body again?

Meet Sian McNamara.

Sian was at her wit’s end with dieting. She was more miserable dieting than she was when she was overweight and not on a diet.

But food controlled her life.

She was ashamed and embarrassed about how much food she would consume secretly. She’d get cravings and binge.

She would also avoid going out to socialize because of how she looked and felt about herself.

Her and her husband weren’t having sex either because she didn’t want him to see her naked.

But 14 months ago, Sian joined WAL. And since joining, Sian says, “I’m just so bloody happy.”

With Wal, Sian has…

→ Lost 25kgs (she started at 98kgs) eating 2400 calories a day. She has a smaller waist and her body is more defined and toned than before. Her whole shape has transformed and she loves her body now.

→ Left binging behind in her past. She no longer has crazy cravings or binges.

→ A sex life with her husband. She says she’s more confident than ever before.

→ Become more productive in her personal and work life.

→ A more stable mood. Previously, Sian says she used to experience major mood swings especially during her menstrual cycle.

→ Gained the ability to cope with life’s stressors. When faced with tough situations, instead of thinking ‘I can’t’ Sian says she asks herself, ‘How can I?’

But maybe you’re sitting on the fence…

You’re hesitant…

You’ve been told otherwise by other fitness experts or gurus…

You aren’t sure if you want to spend the money...

Sian says, “Jump off and go all in. Give yourself 12 months. You won’t regret it. The only regret you’ll have is that you didn’t start sooner!”

She adds, “How much is your health worth?” Ultimately, it’s priceless. You can wait until later but it will get harder the older you get and the more you put your body through crazy diets and cardio.

Sian even considers the WAL tribe as family. She has the nutrition and training down pat, but doesn’t intend on leaving the program anytime soon. She considers the online aspect a one-stop shop for all that she needs to keep her life on track.

So do you want to quit doing what you know doesn’t work?

Are you ready to ditch those quick-fix diets?

If you’re prepared to take the plunge and commit, click the link below. Book a free call with one of our coaches. Have a chat and find out if this program is right for you.

Apply to work with us →


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