
Those That Don't Learn From History Are Doomed To Repeat It

Those That Don't Learn From History Are Doomed To Repeat It The Democrats are not only pushing the same lies that they have for decades now but they are also the same lies used to enact policies and Government systems that have lead to the starvation and death of millions if not billions of people worldwide just in the last 100 years alone.

The Democrats inflict pain and suffering on the population that take advantage of the pain they caused to redirect it at the people standing in the way of the Democrats goal and authoritarian control. This will not end well if the Democrats succeed, just look at every other socialist country in the world, all their people are desperate to get to the US to escape socialism.

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Trump,Ukraine,Quid Pro Quo,Clinton,Russia,Tulsi Gabbard,Bernie Sanders,AOC,Election 2020,

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