
My Car Is Broken (Not Really Tho)

My Car Is Broken (Not Really Tho) You know what actually this month marks my Anniversary of when I first got the car. As of now the car just reached 80k

Everything was fine until the fire nation attacked

Sorry for being so dramatic
Hello Everyone

Thanks for visiting
Here is the real problem
I am the proud (fanatic) of a 2011 Audi A6. The vehicle drives and feels like every I dream of what I wanted my audi to perform like. However recently I been pushing it a little past what is recommend of a daily drive car.

Yes this Audi is my one and only
I originally bought this car used from a dealership and it had about 50k miles and no faults.

So long before. I have recognized a sweet maple syrup smell when ever I would come home from a long drive (it was coolant) I knew that it maybe an issue but I did not really care because I'M FLIPPING LAZY.

Anywho I would check under the hood for time to time in order to check if I could see where the smell was coming. I was thinking my neighbors were putting sure in my gas tank or on the hood my car. That was not true.
Everything was minor up until one day while my car was parked all of the coolant flushed on to the floor. (GOSH DARN IT). Did some more looking and testing and the studies suggest that my water pump is damaged. Part cost $40 service charge $400 (yes $400)
While this sucrose type fluid was spraying all throughout my engine bay it created build up on the accessory pulleys.
Soon after realizing I had a faulty water pump, the accessory belt tore to shred. Thru the heads up display a "Malfunctioning Alternator" signal popped up. The alternator was fine and you can check it with a volt meter.

So why don't I just replace the belt and water pump.

Not good enough. I want a fast and comfortable car so the mission now is

Clean Up and Upgrade

Thanks for watching.

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audi,a6,c6,custom,car,build,ecs tuning,fawwaz lawal,Audi A6 C6,Audi Water Pump Replacement,water pump,Dual Pulley Set Up,Audi Car Build,2011 Audi A6,

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