
Maturity & The Senses (Part 3)- Good And Evil, Right And Wrong (John Sheasby)

Maturity & The Senses (Part 3)- Good And Evil, Right And Wrong (John Sheasby) Ever since our ancestors ate the forbidden fruit, we humans have had an innate sense of good and evil. You help a blind person cross the street and you just know you’re doing something good. You use a cat for a football and you just know you’re doing something bad. You don’t need anybody to tell you. Being able to separate the good from the bad is a handy skill when you’re buying apples or recruiting a babysitter. It’s also the basis of every man-made religion under the sun. But your knowledge of good and evil does nothing to promote a life of dependency on Jesus.

Consider the religious person who reads the Bible to learn what pleases God. They are essentially asking, “Teacher, what good thing must I do to get eternal life?” (Mat 19:16). Their line of thinking runs like this: If I do good and avoid evil I will be judged to be a good person. From a religious perspective, this makes perfect sense. It also explains why so many go to church asking, What must I do?

But there’s a problem. In the Bible you will find some good things that are bad for you. Other things are good for one person but not for another. And then there are things that used to be good but aren’t good any more. It’s almost as if the Bible was purposely designed to frustrate the religious quest for being good! It’s almost as if the Author is trying to say, “Why do you ask me what is good? That’s the wrong question.”

Christian maturity has too often been defined in terms of intellectual comprehension rather than experiential reality. Too many believers have, as a result, pursued knowing and understanding spiritual truths, but that has not brought them to spiritual maturity. Rather, they have experienced a greater degree of condemnation because of their inability to walk in the Biblical knowledge that they have accumulated.

In this study John reveals the writer of Hebrew’s understanding of maturity as a development of the five senses to the degree where they are more responsive to the stimuli of the realm of the spirit than to the natural, physical realm surrounding the believer. Furthermore, John will show how the touchstone of maturity is in understanding God’s gift of righteousness. Spiritual babies stay immature because they are “unskilled in the word of righteousness” (v. 13).

You will be challenged to allow yourself to be taken into the “gymnasium” of the Holy Spirit, and allow your senses to be “exercised” to the point that you are able to discern “good and evil” rather than right and wrong.

"In 1981, John Sheasby embarked on an Abraham-like journey of faith as he emigrated with his family from South Africa to the United States. John and his wife Beverley believe that they are called to minister liberty to the Body of Christ, to loose the “graveclothes” of ignorance and deception from God’s children so that they can possess their inheritance as God’s children. They reside in Bixby, Oklahoma, from where they travel the US and to the nations to preach the goodness of God and minister his grace, liberty, and anointing."
(All Information Taken Form Ministry page)

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