
Karenni Song | What Shall I Do? | SehDu Reh | David Lee

Karenni Song | What Shall I Do? | SehDu Reh | David Lee Lyrics:
What shall I do?
What shall I say?
So you understand the love I have for you??
It’s because of you... that I might become crazy
I can’t believe the fact that you are really able to leave me like this..

Are you actually staying healthy???
Are you actually sleeping well??
Someone who I love, I am worrying for you
Does he loves you more than I do?
Does he worries for you like the way I do?

Since you....started to take a different road
All alone by myself, I can’t even make myself fall sleep
I am just here worrying for you..
What was the reason you left me for??
Ohh ... my love
So What shall I do?
What shall I say?
So you understand the love I have for you??
It’s because of you... that I might become crazy
I can’t believe the fact that you are really able to leave me like this.. (2x)

original by David lee | Music of Emotions

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