
Could Life Evolve by Chance? Science Says No - Creation Museum Live! | October 17, 2019

Could Life Evolve by Chance? Science Says No - Creation Museum Live! | October 17, 2019 Could Life Evolve by Chance? Science Says No
Dr. Alan White

Did God create life supernaturally, or did simple, non-living chemicals combine and randomly organize themselves into life? Secular scientists have struggled for years to find a good mechanism to explain how life could have formed naturally. However, the chance of randomly making even one useful protein is vanishingly small, and life requires many, many useful proteins plus the information coded in DNA. There is no way around it, life must come from life.

Dr. Alan White earned his BS in Chemistry from the University of Tennessee and his PhD in Organic Chemistry from Harvard University in 1981.

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"So God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them."
- Genesis 1:27
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Broadcast live from the Creation Museum!

Photo by Johannes Plenio on Unsplash

Biblical authority,Creation Museum,Answers in Genesis,Bible,Dr. Alan White,evolution,creation,created,life evolved,God created,creation museum live,genesis,science,chance,genesis 1,adam and eve,adam,the first man,biogenesis,abiogenesis,origin of life,Miller-Urey,

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