
True|False #3: Is Conventional Cotton The Most Pesticide Dependant Crop In The World? | Cotton Myths

True|False #3: Is Conventional Cotton The Most Pesticide Dependant Crop In The World? | Cotton Myths In today's video we give you the answer to some of the most common myths and assumptions about organic vs. conventional cotton.

We come with an answer to the following myths/assumptions:
1. Are working conditions better for organic cotton workers compared to conventional cotton workers?
2. Is conventional cotton the most pesticide dependant crop in the world?
3. Does buying organic cotton products help inspire conventional cotton brands, manufactures and farmers to go organic?

Do you have any questions you want answers to? Let us know in the comments!

Learn more about The Organic Company:
Learn more about GOTS certified organic cotton:


I denne video besvarer vi nogle af de mest udbredte myter og antagelser omkring økologisk bomuld vs. konventionel bomuld.

Vi giver svar på myterne/antagelserne:
1. Er arbejdsforholdende bedre for dem, der arbejder med økologisk bomuld kontra dem, der arbejder med konventionel bomuld?
2. Er konventionel bomuld den mest pesticide afhængige afgrød i verden?
3. Hvis man køber produkter i økologisk bomuld er det så med til at inspirerer konventionelle bomuldsproduktioner til at gå økologisk?

Er der noget, du godt kunne tænke dig at vide om økologisk bomuldsproduktion? Så stil dit spørgsmål i kommentarfeltet!

The Organic Company,GOTS certified cotton,Organic cotton,Økologisk bomuld,Sustainable living,Bæredygtig livsstil,Zero Waste,Sustainability,Bæredygtighed,Danish design,Scandinavian design,myths about organic cotton,cotton pesticides,organic vs conventional cotton,økologisk bomuld,økologisk vs almindelig bomuld,er økologisk bomuld bedre,is organic cotton better,

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