
Time For The Armour Of GOD 2

Time For The Armour Of GOD 2 Contact Us:

Are you seeking a church that preaches as His Word declared the obedient people of God will preach in these last days? Are you a Sabbath-keeping Christian looking for like-minded brethren to worship, study and fellowship with each Sabbath day? If so, please review the Statement of our faith to make sure we are in agreement with our Lord's written Word and then click here to send us some information that will help us find a home church in your area.
Hebrews 13:13-14, "Let us go forth therefore unto him without the camp, bearing his reproach. For here have we no continuing city, but we seek one to come."

If you would like to send your tithes and offerings or donate to the cause God to further the Lord's end-time work, please visit our website... - Free Nature Video Clips

I will be soon getting my own 4k video camera and getting into nature for our Sabbath enjoyment of the Lord's handiwork.

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