
Kryoz and Smii7y are literally the same person and i have video proof. 🤫

Kryoz and Smii7y are literally the same person and i have video proof. 🤫 This video took me longer than usual, sorry for the long wait guys, went on vacay, came back and unfortunately had to go back to adulting, then some family got sick, then i got sick, then my money got sick, because if you see how my bank account is set up, that sh!t isn't looking to good.
Back on the serious note, I would have to say these two guys in particularly have been the cure to many downs of my life and I have always been jealous of their friendship. I know all of us always wanted to find the peanut butter to their jelly or technically find their perfect two. (would love the person who gets that reference) I would like to blame Kroyz and Smii7y (mostly Kryoz) for the extremely dark humor my brain now craves.
But seriously, if one day, either if Kryoz or Smii7y see this and (unlikely) read my description, I truly wanna bless ya heart for the millions of people's souls you touched to give them a more happier enlighten day with you guys contagious humor
As always, this video would never exist if it wasn't without the greatest duo (secretly one person)


Like come on, name a better duo, I'll wait


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