
HPPD, The Most Commonly Overlooked Risk of Using Psychedelics

HPPD, The Most Commonly Overlooked Risk of Using Psychedelics Disclaimer: I do not endorse the use of psychedelics or any other illegal substance, this video is simply for harm reduction.

I just wanted to upload this video to talk about HPPD, what it is, what can cause it, and sort of my experience with it. I think HPPD is one of the most commonly overlooked long term consequence of using psychedelics. I don't see it being discussed very much in the psychedelic community when discussing the risks of using psychedelics. Please take the time to watch it if you're considering trying a psychedelic substance or if you use psychedelics. Also please share the video with anyone you know who takes psychedelics or is considering it.

HPPD,Psychedelics,Drugs,Harm Reduction,

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