

HOW MEN USE WOMEN FOR MONEY? how men use women for money?

hello my beautiful ladies it's Greta here ladies relationship coach.
and in this video let's talk about should you lend money to your partner and by partner I mean your boyfriend or a guy you are dating. so in this video I will share 2 evil manipulation stories and I will break down the manipulation behind it.
but just before I will share the stories let me tell you what usually happens when you lend money to your guy especially if you have been behaving low value.
ladies I have coached thousands of women just by one on one. I'm not even talking about group coaching. and the percentage of their bfs giving money that they borrowed back is 1 % especially if you been low value.
so this is how I suggest to look at the money lending situation. if you do decide to lend him money because you are being'nice' well then look at it as you just gave him that money as a present. because it's very likely that you will not see it again.
also when a man asks you for money. is a big fat red flag. asking for money from a woman is such a low thing to do for a man and only a man without self respect will do that.and if a man does not respect himself how will he respect you.
(now ladies I'm not talking here about married couples as the situation can be a bit different, also there are always exceptions)
but what if he doesn't directly ask you for money what if he manipulates you into giving him money. sometimes without him even asking you for it.
here are some phycological manipulation taktic s that manipulators use in order to get you to give him money or actually even provide for him.
evil manipulation story 1.he met you, you are sweet cute and a bit naive or maybe you are a widow who was left with money after husband's the target usually is vulnerable, naive, gullable women.
and this is how he works his way to you. attention giving, understanding, always being there for you, going out of his way to help you, talk to you, flatery, promises. and basically that's all that majority of us women need , is to be charmed. ladies we are not that complicated 🙂. then he might offer to help you financially, he might even give a bit. after the trust is established he asks for money to invest for you or to lend to him. and you freely do it cause now you trust him I mean he is just so genuine and lovely. or maybe he hints that he needs some and he just doesn't know what to do , so you being so wonderful and already liking him plus wanting to please him , give him a helping hand.
he looses the money , or the investment s fails or that's what he tells you. and if he is really good at manipulation he even looks upset and guilty a bit. so you obviously forgive him and support him during this hard time. then the cycle repeats itself until he milks out of you as much as he can.
btw ladies women who get manipulated and taken for granted are low value women. if you are recognizing yourself in this please watch my video what is a low value woman which you can find just by following the link right here.
evil manipulation story 2:
he is charming sweet and genuine, just so lovely and wonderful. you guys just get on so well and he is even best friends with your kids. you are so lucky to find a guy like him. after around 2/3 months into dating.
after you started caring about him obviously. after you already invested or developed some feelings for him he tells you, his broke , of that he is being kicked out of his flat and his ex gf was evil and she took all his money . or how someone meesed him up and he went bankrupt etc...
next thing you know , not only you are looking after your kids but you get an extra big mouth over your table to take care off and provide for.
ladies these type of guys rotate from one woman to the next one. when one kicks them out they use the same manipulation tactics for another.

this is why being high value is your only way to meet your true soulmate. who will respect love and value you.
and ladies if a man asks you for money just say , that you don't believe in lending money. and don't even explain yourself. if he is there to use you if it's his ultimate goal he will drop off as there is no benefit for him there or maybe you will drop him off yourself after him displaying this big fat red flag.
ladies please watch my video what is a high bay woman which you can find just by following the link right here.

thank you for watching xx

Signs of a low value woman behaviour:

High value woman, how?:

Ebook 'Ways Men Test Women' Greta Bereisaite

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Should you lend money to your partner?,is my boyfriend using me for money,is my boyfriend using me for a place to live,how do you know when a guy is with you for convenience,how to know you are being used by a guy,signs of being used by a guy,boyfriend manipulates me,i owe my boyfriend money,should i lend my boyfriend money,my boyfriend asks me for money all the time,when a man asks you for money,how men use women for money,

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