
Carbon Dioxice – Practically infinite resource

Carbon Dioxice – Practically infinite resource KuvausCarbon Dioxice – Practically infinite resource
To mitigate climate change, giving up the use of fossil carbon is of utmost importance. One of the approaches is the reuse of carbon dioxide. With the help of emission-free electricity, almost all organic chemicals and polymers, such as plastics, can be produced from carbon dioxide. There is considerable potential in their commercialisation. Carbon capture and utilisation will be one of the most important tools in helping to achieve the climate change mitigation targets determined by the Paris Climate Agreement. In an economy based on the reuse of carbon, fossil carbon is left in the ground while aboveground carbon, the carbon accumulated in the atmosphere and plants, circulates captured in different products: fuels, chemicals, materials and food.

VTT,Teknologian tutkimuslaitos VTT,VTT Technical Research Center of Finland,#VTTpeople,climate,climate change,carbon,carbon reuse,

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