
Who is Marvel's Challenger? Victory is his hobby.

Who is Marvel's Challenger? Victory is his hobby. This video explores the abilities, powers, and origin of the Marvel Comics character "Challenger." From his ancient beginnings as an Elder of the Universe that was the original Grandmaster, spending his immortal days feeding his hobby of strategizing over games, having near limitless powers deriving from the Power Primordial, sharing his passion with his fellow elder En Dwi Gast, envy leading En Dwi Gast to usurp the Grandmaster title and exile his counterpart to the Far Shore realm, Grandmaster Prime returning eons later as the determined Challenger, pitting his team named The Black Order against the new Grandmaster's Lethal Legion and The Avengers, ultimately battling against his ace-in-the-hole The Hulk after the gamma monster destroyed the game Pyramoid, to finally succumbing to the combined might of a spell-enhanced Avengers superhero team; Let's take a look at this ancient Marvel characters, and powerful cosmic being who would be the perfect military general. This includes a short, canon character biography and my own opinionated "Sage Rating," which I use to give ratings of comic book and science fiction characters.


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