
Who and What is The Unconventional Attorney?

Who and What is The Unconventional Attorney? Who and what is the unconventional attorney?

My philosophy, origin story, and much much more...


ARE YOU A LAW FIRM OWNER? Me too. I work 25 hours a week and make multiple six figures. I don't have any headaches. No fires. No grumpy clients. Work is FUN.

If you want an inside look at how I do it, for FREE, you should join my newsletter. Every week I talk about a different area of my business: marketing/branding; advertising; sales; productivity/bumper; and mindset.

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My Unconventional Philosophy:

- old school business
- modern day marketing
- antifragile mindset

My Unconventional Core Elements

- Mindset
- Leads
- Sales
- Systems
- Scarcity


How to find me out there in the world...
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