
What is captcha ? Why captcha ? What is the necessity of captcha ?

What is captcha ? Why captcha ? What is the necessity of captcha ? This video is all about what is a Captcha and why are CAPTCHAs important ?
CAPTCHA is abbreviated as “Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart”. CAPTCHA is basically a program that can tell whether its user is a human or a computer .

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Video bhala lagile like karantu bhaimane .

What is captcha,Why captcha,Why captcha needed,Why captcha use,Why websites use captcha,What is the use of captcha,Recaptcha,What is recaptcha,What is captcha in odia,Captcha odia,Captcha verification,How captcha works,Ad tech,Ad tech odia,Why websites give captcha,

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