
Use Nature The Way It Is Intended

Use Nature The Way It Is Intended Use Nature The Way It Is Intended: By practicing voluntary discomfort in a natural setting can be the most refreshing natural thing to give your body and mind. We don`t do enough of it and we limit ourselves to the manufactured life a majority of the human race life in. Nature and all that offers is on your doorstep just waiting for you to explore and use it. Taking yourself and immersing yourself in a natural setting is the most natural thing we can do as human beings. It is where we came from and lived for hundreds if not thousands of years. By practicing a little discomfort to your body in different elements in different seasons will give you a new lease of body empowerment trust me. Walk barefoot on grass.. walk bare foot through a wooded area. Expose your body to the weather your walking in. Just do something different that you wouldn't do that will make your body and mind think. All be training and most of the work I do with my clients are in a natural setting. Nature has so much to offer and asks little in return it would be a sin not take up the offer it gives you to enjoy it. A majority of people like comfort zones or comfort bubbles is a phrase i like to use. Happy to feel safe from the outside and dream what they would like to do in the comfort of your own home. But taking action and committing to getting outside and coming out the comfort zone and practicing a little discomfort from walking exercising or something else will give you a new way of thinking which in turn might give you the chance to committing to more and more.. So Get started today commit yourself to a little discomfort make a date with Nature its always there waiting for you..

nature,training,forest therapy,eco therapy,forest bathing,

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