Read "Letters & Numbers" by Zach Hubbard to learn all you need to understand this code used by the powers that shouldn't be. The best $5 you will ever spend -
My Instagram -
Make sure to keep up with the rituals -
M.o.r - MeasurableObservableRepeatable
Resist control -
Zenith of the Alpha America has a very great take on all of this -
Bowe n Arrow's awesome channel! -
Uncover the code - gematria.codes
Go and watch more videos at Zachary Hubbard's channel -
Exposing the Saturnian gang of tyrants and the specific symbolism they use -
The solution to the tyranny can be found here -
Watch these channels to learn a whole lot more.
Jay Pilon -
Dan Behrendt's channel -
Gematrinator's Channel -