
The bible is not the ''word of god'', it is simply the word of MEN to brainwash us.

The bible is not the ''word of god'', it is simply the word of MEN to brainwash us. Testimony of a former bible scholar. I have WASTED MY BEST YEARS OF LIFE to this YHWH monster. You eventually develop a mind virus, don't read it too much. YHWH is the main virus of humanity.

Not that I did not go through a process for a few years but now is the time to make a public declaration that I was wrong to believe that this book was ''the word of god''. YES, I WAS A SUCKER, THE SOCIOPATH WHO TARGETED ME KNOWS THIS. I am a widow to a non denominational minister and Reverend, having myself studied the bible more than 20 years so at least 10 000 hours was spent reading it - without mentioning that since I was writing books from it, I have spent 40 hours per week for many weeks as well - so I was a specialist myself (as an autodidact, when you get degrees you eventually figure out that you do not need to go to school and spend a lot of money to learn, welcome to the university called the internet and of course you have to decipher with your own judgment but hey, they are teaching lies in school as well!) and I am trained as psychologist. Now is the time to get the clock back to the right timing. Not that I did not go through a process before making this public declaration but eventually, I had to come to a point to have the courage of doing so. This is a new age, the age of Aquarius. And no more time to waste.


The KJV is an abridged version of the Babylonian Talmud

👁The Synagogue of Saturn of the Freemasons, the Egyptian Sun Worship and Their Jesus Christ - Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3

👁YHWH Draco Overlord Ancient Empire of The Synagogue of Saturn - Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3

👁"T" Cross and Tau Cross, the sign of the Antichrist / Quetzalcoatl

And there is more!
🔑 ''God told me'' is the CLASSICAL CARD for Religious Narcissists. They are ''so important'' they have a Hotline w/ God Almighty Himself like a Pope

King Henri VIII - One Psychopathic Bastard Six Victims-Queens

Greetings, this is my short and sweet testimony to the world. I have wasted precious years and precious time with what the Gnostics called: yaldabaoth. What I do know is that believe there is a Creator of the Universe. Now Is he male or female? That is a good question. It is not that I do not believe there is a creator but the creator is not YHWH, Jehovah, yaldabaoth etc..he is an impostor.

Any good person from any part of this world is my brother and my sister, period. Your beliefs or religion or philosophy of life is YOUR business and my philosophy or religion or beliefs is mine, I mean never again will I try to influence somebody to read what is called a ''holy book'' EVER AGAIN, I've learned my lesson the very hard way, I have encountered a sociopath online that was my brick wall.

Not that I was trying to get people to a specific church, I did not go that far because I was removing the name of the church and address with liquid paper me I kid you not, I really did of course me and the pastors were not in the same team ALREADY, NEVERTHELESS I was going door to door with the bible and little pamphlets but the pastor did not know about the liquid paper so it was a good thing so I was not completely blind.

yaldabaoth is a bigot. I was a bigot myself, despite the fact that was not my goal to become one simply because by reading that ''holy book'' eventually, it turns you into one sooner or later, it is unavoidable because it is a real brainwashing. Eventually, you can not see what is wrong with that book anymore because it is sort of a mind virus and it is not surprising because yahveh is not the creator but an impostor.

Look, the bible is not the word of god, this is the word of men, yes particularly men we must admit this. (I have playlists to back this up for your consideration) And yaldabaoth is more than just a bigot if you take the time to research it. so this is my short and sweet testimony about yahveh, jehovah, yaldabaoth, etc...I thank you for listening.

How about the Westboro Baptist Church and their supporter on YouTube?


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