
Sue Grey: The urgency to educate on the dangers of 5G technology, especially with mothers

Sue Grey:  The urgency to educate on the dangers of 5G technology, especially with mothers Groups of people are organising across the country to have the discussion that the Teleco's are not prepared to have.

This is especially to do with health.

Recently groups have sprung up in Albany, Waiheke Island, Mangawhai, Torbay, West Auckland - Coromandel, Tauranga, Wanganui, Wellington, Nelson, and the Golden Bay/Takaka area so there is a grassroots movement spreading like mushrooms - because inherently there is a distrust of corporates, world wide as well as a reticence to believe in what our Governments are saying and not necessarily doing.

The Controversy. Sue originally was involved in researching 4G telephone wireless networks and that there was wifi very near to schools. Also, that telephone towers were placed close to play centres - like in one case 5 metres away and that the 'standards for this technology are written by the ‘corporates' who produce this technology. She also researched how the standards are enforced - about the NZ Government Advisory Committee and that if you are concerned about the harm - you are not allowed on the Government Advisory Committee.

5G Technology

5G radio waves are very short but very intense radio waves - and there is yet, not enough health data to support the safety of this technology.

There is also the deployment of telephone towers dispersed at around 100 meters distance from each other - especially in major built up areas like the inner city - but also across the suburbs and residential areas. Where our children spend most of their lives, including biota - pets, cats and dogs as well as flora - trees and shrubs.

But, we as a community have not been asked if we agree to having the close proximity of these towers to our homes. What Sue questions is, where is the public dialogue around this, when did the Teleco's engage us to ask us for our permission?

It's like Spark and Vodafone and the NZ Government are all ready to roll this technology out and we the community are still waiting to have the conversation as to its safety. Where is the engagement with the localised community?

The ‘Precautionary Principle’

Scientific Experts who are 'independent' who are not profiting from this 5G tech are realising that there are some serious deficiencies in the actual technology that is being ‘sold’ to us - as well as the process as to how we should approach this ‘new’ technology.

The ‘Precautionary Principle’ is not being adhered to - in the rush to get this technology out into the marketplace.

Why the Hyped Up Rush to Roll 5G Out?

As of this moment - if 5G was not rolled out for another year or two - how many people would it really affect? Would it affect you and your family? Would the world come to an end? Lets dwell on this, if we waited another year or two to really get clarity to its safety, would this not be prudent? Especially as we already see so many children suffering from health effects, that doctors can not diagnose as to what is the source.

Should we not also add to this a question around the decline in bee numbers? (The canaries in the coal mine?)

Sales over Civilisation?

The hype that big business is salivating over is driverless cars - well take one look at the coagulated motorways into and out of Auckland at rush hour every day - what's the urgency of a driverless car or wanting to download a movie or a video game into our smart phone in 10 seconds ...?

Really, is this where the narrative is going - that ‘we have to have it now’ and get it ‘whilst it is hot?’ If this is the general consensus - then we have to realise that the term 'conscious' choices will never prevail, as we as a civilisation lose our moral compass in a race to the bottom.

The Time lag of Learning the Pros and Cons.

People who have been alive for 50 years or longer will realise that ‘old NZ’ - was a country where there was a closer relationship between neighbours and community. That we once had politicians who we could approach and genuinely converse with. Political parties had ‘Manifestos” - which they produced prior to an election and that they would follow or do their best to adhere to.

Now-a-days it’s ‘ad hoc’ everything and intentions are thrown out the window as politicians 'make up policy on the fly' and they trust that because the world is moving at such a rapid pace that any flak or faux pas will have its 5 minutes in the headlines - to then be subsumed by more outrageous news to be quickly forgotten by the public - by the next election.

With the Corporate Agenda interlocking with Government, as the premise of the eroding of public confidence - we are finding that there is no real intent to educate the public on this global 5G issue. We are being subjected to glitzy advertising - telling us how much better the world is going to be with slick computer graphics and yet, all these videos do not show anything of nature - no trees, flowers or pastures...

5g,5g technology,5g free,

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