Santa Show on Saturday is an Indian talk show, created by Santa Santosh Avvannavar, Powered by QtPi and QtSTEAM. The Season 1, Episode 2 will go online on August 10, 2019. The show promises to bring smiles on the faces of viewers.
The person behind the camera and editing - Theepak Hosaty M
#SantaShowOnSat #YouGoGirl #WeBringSmiles #SantoshAvvannavar #IndianTalkShow #QtPi #QtSTEAM
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About Santa Show On Saturday
I love and choose smiling often a day. Smile can be contagious just like laugh at times. It does. Trust me on this. As you will mostly find me smiley person. My friends in college often termed my smile as Kashmiri apple because they lift up into a shinning half smile. It just needs to two corners of mouth to lift up to make a beautiful smile. That's all. This makes me happy and I believe it does to others.
I am trying a bit through Santa Show On Saturday to bring up that beautiful smile of viewers through the innocent moments through interaction with children. I am not sure if the show could succeed in toothy grin but we will bring smiles!