Sans the “useless” part, IzAw’s video regarding Hero is just that. Give it a watch to learn the basics, I know it helped me out a bit before I picked him up:
Hope you enjoyed the video and all of these facts! And just a quick clarification, but regarding the Bounce section, those interactions aren’t always guaranteed, I believe. If the opponent is jumping around and whatnot, it’s very possible the projectile will clip them rather than their Bounce, which can kill them when it would normally kill you. And I haven’t tested out Swoosh or Kaswoosh work like that in a REAL match yet, but I know I’ll be fishing for it while I’m on break.
Hope y’all stay casual, and Golden Deer House gang rise up
Music used:
School Road (Pokémon Ranger: Shadows of Almia):
Ranger School (Outside) (Pokémon Ranger: Shadows of Almia):
Koholint Overworld SNES Cover by Loeder:
Something Strange is Going On (MOTHER 3):
Tokyo Emergency (Persona 5):
End Card Music: Cloud Tops (TLoZ: The Minish Cap):
Email: PsychoKineticBeats@gmail.com
#SmashUltimate #NintendoSwitch #Hero #DragonQuestion #SmashBros