This video CLEARLY SHOWS just how dangerous uncertified and unsafe gliders can be. Watch, as unsafe gliders like Blackhawk and Ozone spin 180 degrees sending the pilot face-first into the ground. You can see how pilots flying the Dominators can fly anytime, anywhere because the safety and stability is so much better. The difference in risk is not even comparable. You have a 100% chance of death on the totally uncertified class death trap wings. 100%
LOOK at the real difference between an extremely safe glider like the Dominator and other totally unsafe gliders. Plus, without real paramotor training your chances of taking a collapse while flying is 100%. And, if you're flying an unsafe glider like those shown in the video when you take a collapse the outcome can and will be deadly.
Who in their right mind flies a glider that has a 100% chance of taking a collapse and WHEN it collapses it does a backflip 180 and locks you into a spiral face first towards the ground? This is why pilots who have their safety in mind, only fly Dominators. It is more stable and designed to immediately reopen when collapsed.
The Safest Paramotor Training - Super Training:
The Safest Paramotor - Flat-Top Ninja:
The Safest Paraglider - Dominator:
CALL DELL - (800) 707-2525
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