It’s all about knowing who you are and being you. Your true authentic self. In order for us to truly understand who we are we need to become self-aware and learn how to tune in with our inner knowing, the gut feeling or inner compass that is in all of us. It’s there for a reason. It protects us and guides us when we are in alignment with who we truly are. The more self-aware and the more we are using our senses to tune into the environment the stronger the inner feeling in us becomes. What happens if we don’t become aware of who we are and allow everyone else tell us the answer to it? The effect of that leads to feelings of anxiety and “drifting along with the flow” . It leads to a feeling of never being completely content with yourself as you know somewhere deep inside of you that you are not being who you truly are. We don’t want to pass this feeling of confusement to our children. We parents and adults need to first become self-aware of OUR own behavior and thought patterns. We need to talk about these things with our children and encourage them to follow that inner compass in them and to trust their instincts more.