
Sadness - ...and Longing Are the Endless Waves - [Full Album]

Sadness - ...and Longing Are the Endless Waves - [Full Album] Sadness - ...and Longing Are the Endless Waves - 2015
About Band :

Country : United States
Year: 2014
Genre: Depressive Black Metal
Member: "E" (Damián Antón Ojeda)
Lyrical Themes: Depression, Loneliness

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0:00 - As Brooding Light
12:17 - As I Long...
37:40 - Melancholie... und die Hoffnung des Horizonts
58:53 - Ever Mendless Memory, Aflame

One Man Bands Patreon:
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Sadness - ...and Longing Are the Endless Waves,United States,Depressive Black Metal,Carlos Agraz,Depression,Loneliness,One man band,One man bands,Black metal,Depressive black metal,atmospheric black metal,doom metal,depressive suicidal black metal,Post-Black Metal,

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