Other playlists you might enjoy:
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How do repair battery acid corrosion:
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Unusual Nerf Mods:
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Janky Nerf mods (justajolt's jolt mods!):
My funny Nerf songs:
See how I make my videos and do other digital onliny stuff:
Join me on my journey to become a software developer and learn stuff along the way! We're talking full stack. ASAP. For free!
To see stuff I do:
To help me plan my videos: Facebook:
The Nerf event I help run:
My favourite Nerf forum:
I never really use this:
Other Nerf stuff I do:
My .com: www.justajolt.com
How to run Nerf wars: www.mynerfwar.com
Britnerfers who have channels you need to see:
Foam Data Services:
Monkeytron collective:
Newport Nerfer:
Andrew Aitchison:
Spectre N-7:
Mrs Jolt set up a PO box for fan mail (I prefer Broke Nerfing's term "friend-mail" though!)
34 New House
67-68 Hatton Garden
London EC1N 8JY
United Kingdom
About my channel:
Justajolt Nerf videos include... reviews, songs, fixing things, Nerf battle with sound effects footage, making things and … who knows what else there could be be! Probably involving a good Nerf hack! One thing’s for sure though, it’s all good clean family friendly Nerf action from Britnerf's very own Nerf buffoon.
Thumbnail made with Canva and Gimp or with TubeBuddy's thumbnail generator!
Music from YouTube's Audio Library.
Energy from raisins.