I used to look for a spiritual experience to happen in my life and I’d be looking here, there and everywhere but because I left God in a compartment of a day in a compartment of my life, I’m looking for the experience, that’s wrong, you should have the experience ongoing.
Even when the challenges, the trials, the difficulties and the opportunities show up, God is there and He’s the one who shows up in the situation. Glory to God! So you're not looking for lifetime experience, you have a lifetime of experiences in God.
About the Minister
Paul Adefarasin is the Founder and Metropolitan Senior Pastor of the burgeoning House On The Rock, a multiracial, multi-tribal, and multifaceted Church with several daughter Churches and ministries throughout Africa and in Europe. He is the Founder and President of The Rock Foundation, a charity committed to social reformation, education, provision of healthcare and relief work within Nigeria.
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