Gear I use (many have been asking):
1. Aker voice amp (88USD on Amazon)
2. Canon M50 w/ 11-22mm lens
3. Zhiyun Crane 2 Plus (gimbal)
4. DJI Mavic 2 Zoom
5. GoPro Hero 7 Black
6. iPhone X
If you would like to help us continue the work:
To visit the ministry website:
To email us: torchofchrist@gmail.com
To visit the ministry’s Facebook page where we post many updates and pictures as they are happening:
Twitter: @Phillip_Blair
Instagram: phillipblairtoc
For mail:
Torch of Christ Ministries
PO Box 4061
Lake Charles, LA 70606
For care packages:
Torch of Christ Ministries
5000 Lake Street
Unit 4061
Lake Charles, LA 70605
Thank you for your prayers!