For example, Japanese hospital food is a lot like a gourmet meal. Hot soba noodles, chicken in a mushroom sauce, and a daikon carrot side salad is just one example of a delicious-sounding hospital meal! Patients are also offered a small afternoon snack, such as a cream puff or a slice of cake with tea.
The United States 0:27
Switzerland 1:05
Italy 1:26
Germany 2:03
Russia 2:42
Australia 3:20
Thailand 3:48
Norway 4:17
South Africa 4:48
Israel 5:15
Canada 5:50
Japan 6:22
India 6:50
Mexico 7:21
Spain 7:50
Greece 8:23
Poland 8:44
Malaysia 9:06
The U.K. 9:45
France 10:18
#food #traditions #brightside
Preview photo credit:
Hospital food NY: By Siobhan from Upstate New York, CC BY-SA 2.0
Polish hospital - meal served to patients: By Oto Polska Blog, CC BY-SA 2.0
Animation is created by Bright Side.
- Many U.S. hospitals seem to have the same staples: Salisbury steak, mashed potatoes, mixed veggies, and yogurt. Another day it might be chicken potpie with a chocolate chip cookie for dessert.
- Quiche, some type of fruit-and-nut salad, and a dainty dessert would be a common meal at a hospital in Switzerland.
- An Italian hospital would serve you gnocchi (that’ a delicious potato or flour dumpling served in a finger-licking sauce), whole fruits (like an apple or plum), and good old-fashioned water.
- The Germans like their “hot meal” in the middle of the day, with breakfast and dinner being a little simpler. The same holds true in their hospitals.
- In a Russian hospital, you might get a bowl of oatmeal with yogurt or cottage cheese as a side and a cup of tea or coffee to drink for breakfast. Come lunch or dinnertime, some popular staples are hotdogs with buckwheat or macaroni.
- In Thai hospitals, a boiled rice porridge dish called jok is often given to sick patients for breakfast because of its mild flavor and smooth texture.
- Most main dishes in Norway—even for a hospital—are going to be locally sourced, with meat consisting of elk, beef, or even reindeer!
- Most main dishes in Norway—even for a hospital—are going to be locally sourced, with meat consisting of elk, beef, or even reindeer!
- In Poland, the hospital meals are rather dainty: bread and butter, half a cucumber, and a piece of sausage. This would be your breakfast. For lunch, you may get a ham and cheese sandwich, another meat choice, more cucumber, and hot soup.
- In a Malaysian hospital, there are two diet options: standard and therapeutic. The therapeutic diet just refers to modifications that need to be made due to the patient’s needs, such as a lactose-free diet or a liquid diet.
- A typical hospital meal in the U.K. may be some roast beef, roasted potatoes, green beans, cheese, a white roll with butter, and peaches in cream.
- In a French hospital in Paris, you’ll be served a smoked salmon salad, chicken with a baguette, and a slice of pie! Lean meats such as that salmon and chicken are great for a healing patient, as are the veggies in the salad.
Music by Epidemic Sound
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