
Re:Generate Teaser - A Party with a Purpose

Re:Generate Teaser - A Party with a Purpose We do this for our love for nature, not out of fear of what we stand to lose.

Re:Generate restores natural landscapes by throwing epic parties on them.

Re:Generate seeks to create a new identity of people and place. Kaitiakitanga - Guardianship and protection, active environmental stewardship.
Whanaungatanga - Relationship, sense of connection and belonging. Community.
Kotahitanga - Unity, solidarity, support. Collective action.

We make this new identity real by including self expression - shared meals, music, movement, art and other methods of weaving socio-cultural fabric. By working together on the land and celebrating our purpose with a party, we embody our lessons, strengthen our relationships and ground our purpose as guardians of this land into existence.

Tree planting,party,bass,community,permaculture,solutions,climate action,climate change,

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