Plant produced as a result of cross between two genetically different parents plant is known as hybrid. The natural or artificial process that results in the formation of hybrid is known as hybridization. Today, it is the most common method of crop improvement, and the vast majority of crop varieties have resulted from hybridization.
Types of Hybridization:
(i) Intra-varietal hybridization:The crosses are made between the plants of the same variety.
(ii) Inter-varietal or Intraspecific hybridization:The crosses are made between the plants belonging to two different varieties.
(iv) Interspecific hybridization or intragenric hybridization: The crosses are made between two different species of the same genus.
(v) Introgressive hybridization: Transfer of some genes from one species into the genome of the other species is known as introgressive hybridization.
Procedure of Hybridization:
It involves the following steps:
(i) Selection of parents: The selection of parents depends upon the aims and objectives of breeding.
(ii) Selfing of parents or artificial self-pollination.
(iii) Emasculation:Emasculation is the removal of stamens from female parent before they burst and shed their pollens
(iv) Bagging: The emasculated flower or inflorescence is immediately bagged to avoid pollination by any foreign pollen
(v) Tagging: The emasculated flowers are tagged just after bagging.(i) Number referring to the field record(ii) Date of emasculation(iii) Date of crossing
(vi) Crossing: In this method mature, fertile and viable pollens from the male parent are placed on the receptive stigma of emasculated flowers to bring about fertilization
(vii) Harvesting and storing the F, seeds: Crossed heads or pods of desirable plants are harvested and after complete drying they are threshed. Seeds are stored properly with original tags.
(viii) Raising the F1 generation: In the coming season, the stored seeds are sown separately to raise the F1 generation. The plants of F1 generation are progenies of cross seeds and therefore are hybrids.
The hybridization of withania somnifera israeli chemotype II and withania somnifera South african chemotype has lead to the formation of a new hybrid which contain three new withanolides
Crossing of Solnanum incanum and solanum melogena first generation bear more fruits (berries) and second generation- high yielding source of solasodine.
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