
THE GUN LAWYER: Is it a Bad Idea to Match My Gun to My Wardrobe?

THE GUN LAWYER: Is it a Bad Idea to Match My Gun to My Wardrobe? Please feel free to contact us at:
Cheshire DeBrosse, P.C.
503 South Front Street, Suite 240B
Columbus, Ohio 43215
Ph: 888.399.7863

The information contained in these videos is not legal advice nor should it be construed as legal advice. You should contact your own attorney should you have any legal questions concerning firearms. Please be advised that the laws discussed in these videos change from time to time and at some point the information may be out of date. You are advised to contact your own attorney before relying on any information herein.

Munitions Law Group Cheshire DeBrosse,P.C. The Gun Lawyer Derek Debrosse Barney Debrosse Columbus Ohio,

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