
TEACHING par excellence (4) | Are you using the method that best fits the context and situation

TEACHING par excellence (4) | Are you using the method that best fits the context and situation The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) himself said, “I have been sent as a teacher”. Here is a glimpse of teaching methods he used in different context
1. Teaching by his beautiful way of life and sublime character
2. Teaching aspects of a concept in stages
3. Exercising moderation and preventing boredom
4. Consideration of individual differences in students
5. Dialogue and mutual-questioning
6. Conversation and rational comparison
7. Posing questions to gauge a person's intelligence and knowledge
8. Analogy and comparison
9. Similes and examples
10. Drawing on the ground and sand
11. Combining speech with gestures
12. Raising a prohibited item with one's hand in order to emphasize prohibition
13. To begin teaching in the absence of any student's request
14. Answering according to the question posed
15. Replying to more than what was asked
16. Turning the attention of the questioner away from the actual question posed
17. Asking for a question to be repeated so that a full reply may be given
18. Asking another student to answer a question in order to train him
19. Testing a learned person on a particular issue in order to praise him if he is correct
20. Teaching by remaining silent over what occurs in one's presence
21. Utilisation of opportune moments
22. Teaching through humour
23. Emphasizing by taking an oath
24. Repeating a statement three times for emphasis
25. Emphasizing the importance of a matter by changing one's posture and by repetition
26. Drawing the attention of one's listener by repeatedly calling him
27. Grasping the hand or shoulder of the listener to draw his attention
28. Utilising ambiguous words in order to prompt the listener to enquire about an issue and thereby encouraging its performance or abstention from it
29. Saying something in general terms and then expounding upon it so that it may be clearer and easier to remember and understand
30. Enumerating issues and then explaining each of them
31. Admonition and reminder
32. Teaching through targhib (invitation) and tarhib (warning)
33. Narrating stories and anecdotes of past nations
34. Commencing with a subtle prelude when teaching content which could prove to be embarrassing
35. Sufficing with a mere allusion when teaching embarrassing content
36. Additional attention to teaching and admonishing women
37. Becoming angry if the situation demands
38. Writing as a means of teaching
39. A few companions were appointed to learn foreign language (e.g. Syrian language)
40. Teaching through his noble personality

‘Muhammad (saw) the Perfect Teacher – An Insight into His Teaching Methods’ by Sheikh Abd Al-Fattah Abu Guddah,


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