
So, What Is Intermediary Liability?

So, What Is Intermediary Liability? “Intermediary liability protections” is both a mouthful to say and the legal concept behind the most important law for continued success of the internet sector: CDA 230. It’s no exaggeration that without Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, the internet – and the U.S. economy – would look wildly different today. As one legal scholar put it, “No other sentence in the U.S. Code, I would assert, has been responsible for the creation of more value than [230].”

Intermediary liability protections are what allow companies to moderate content. Weakening 230 would mean companies would face legal liability for making good-faith efforts to remove objectionable content that no one wants online.

Intermediary Liability,Content Moderation,social media,section 230,copyright,copyright law,

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