
Keynote Three: I have changed my mind. Donald M Berwick and Maureen Bisognano.

Keynote Three: I have changed my mind. Donald M Berwick and Maureen Bisognano. http:/

Keynote Three: I have changed my mind

Donald M Berwick, MD, MPP, President Emeritus and Senior Fellow, IHI; Former Administrator, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services; USA
Maureen Bisognano, President Emerita and Senior Fellow, IHI; USA

In this session Donald M Berwick and Maureen Bisognano will share the personal journey that led them to some recent changes in their understanding of topics and theories related to quality improvement. They will describe the “moments” at which they realized something new, or even that they had been wrong, the things that changed their minds, and what they now believe. Reflecting on these revelations, Don and Maureen will encourage participants to explore their own paths to open-mindedness and new understandings

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BMJ,IHI,International Forum on Quality and Safety in Healthcare,quality improvement,patient safety,Donald M Berwick,Maureen Bisognano,open-mindedness,healthcare,healthcare leadership,

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