#pokemon #pokemonx #pokemonrandomizer
1) When you enter a Area, roll a six-sided die. Remember this number.
2) The first Pokemon you encounter on that route will be assigned that number.
3) That Pokemon can now be the only number 2 in the whole team. Eventually you will catch enough Pokemon to have a 1,2,3,4,5, and 6 on the team... or be stuck soloing with just a 2 on the team, and ten 2's in your PC.
4) Other than your starter, all static or given Pokemon have a special rule. They do not count as the encounter for that area, but if caught, they require a sacrifice to be used. You must choose a Pokemon in the PC or the Party, and sacrifice it (Release or put in the Death Box). The static/given Pokemon then takes over that Pokemon's spot.
Every encounter I roll another dice, the outcome is:
1 - can't catch it and have to move on
2 - I have to look for another encounter then roll again
3 + 4 - I can catch it
5 - I can only use one Pokeball to catch it
6 - I get to reroll if I want too or can just catch normally
► Pokemon Sword and Shield -
The new generation 8 games, Pokémon Sword and Pokémon Shield are set in the Galar region , an huge region based on the Uk. The people and Pokémon live together in this region, and they’ve worked together to develop the industries here. You’ll visit the various Gyms in the Galar region, aiming for the enviable and admirable title of Champion!
► Welcome to the HDvee channel! I'm your number one source for all things Pokemon Sword and Shield, Pokemon Switch and Pokemon Lets Go Pikachu and Eevee news! I will have you updated on all the latest and greatest Pokemon information, rumors, leaks guides and tutorials about Pokemon Switch games! So thankyou for watching! Remember to drop a like if you did enjoy as it really helps me out! If you want to see more SUBSCRIBE! Its totally free! and be sure to check out the other playlists too!