Be Blessed by the Divine
Inner Peace
It is an elusive concept
Let's explain
We cry at birth
Because we begin to Breathe for the first time
The pain of the air going inside the lungs makes us cry
We seek comfort
Our parents and caretakers provide comfort
From the moment, we become illusionary that
Pleasure takes us away from pain
Sensual attachments of our mind take us away from the purpose of birth
We seek pleasures
We indulge in pleasure
Some go beyond our threshold and become pain
We pause, reflect and think about it
We ask ourselves
How come the pleasure is momentary
And then it becomes pain?
We realise that sensual pleasures are momentary
The mind seeks lasting bliss
The only was to reach bliss is to meditate
Go to subtle levels
Reach almighty state
Cannot be achieved through senses
Not possible through
We cannot Hear God
We cannot See God
We cannot Taste Him
We cannot Smell God
We cannot touch God
We can only perceive Him through inner travel
When we meditate our brain goes to subtle levels
We moralise our desires
Desires lead to greed when fulfilled in an improper way
Greed takes us to various sins
Immoral sexual passion
When Greed, Anger, Miserliness, Immoral sexual passion, Vanity, Vengeance
takes over our mind, we remain blissfully unaware of the ecstacy
We remain in an illusionary state
driven by our ego
driven by our sin imprints
Only when we moralise desires, can we get rid of greed
Only then we can get rid of other sins
When it happens, illusion goes away
When illusion disappers, mind becomes peaceful
There will no pain giving, unfulfilled desires in our mind
We remain peaceful then
How long will it take?
It depends on when you meditate and
how disciplined you are in meditation practice
And how disciplined you are in introspecting in silence
You will be able to reach a peaceful state
in just a few weeks to a few months
If you are not disciplined, getting swayed by emotions
It might take a few years
With practice, you can achieve peace sooner than later
Thank you
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Be Blessed by the Divine,
Krish Murali Eswar.
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Related Topics:
Inner Peace,
It is an elusive concept,
We cry at birth,
We seek pleasures,
We indulge in pleasure,
How come the pleasure is momentary,
Go to subtle levels,
Reach almighty state,
When illusion disappers,
mind becomes peaceful,
you can achieve peace sooner than later,