
HIDDEN TEACHINGS of JESUS CHRIST That Explain Manifestation, Consciousness & Oneness

HIDDEN TEACHINGS of JESUS CHRIST That Explain Manifestation, Consciousness & Oneness HIDDEN TEACHINGS of JESUS CHRIST That Explain Manifestation, Consciousness & Oneness

In this video we talk about hidden teachings of jesus christ and the bible hidden teachings and how it relates to manifestation, jesus christ, the bible, consciousness, and manifesting.




Hidden teachings of Jesus Christ and hidden teachings of the Bible actually reveal the truth about manifestation, how your consciousness can actually influence this physical reality.

So what is that telling us? So, and then it says that it's all created by the word of God. Well, what has god? God is an energy system that's in everything. First of all, and second of all, what would be the word of God? We'll, how would the energy system of the universe create things through consciousness? Science has proven that subatomic particles can either be energy, nonexistent or particles physically in tangible reality through consciousness, the awareness of them, the observation of them. So consciousness creates reality. So the word of God is consciousness and you're an individualization of God. So you harness and you and you channel that God consciousness, that creative energy with your own consciousness. And it says that the things that you see don't come from the things that appear so very easily. The mind can trick you in your physical senses, can trick you into believing that your physical body, but you're a spiritual being in a physical body, just like the wave is an individualization of the ocean.

You as a spiritual being in a physical body or an individualization of God. But so often we think that God is the separate energy outside of us that we go, I hope I wish I pray. Please help me please, please. And all we're really doing in the Bible. It says to those that have more will be given. What do you think that means? First of all, comment down below. I'm a spiritual being in a physical body, calming down below in the spiritual being in a physical body. So when it says to those that have more will be given, do you think that that means this emotional God, this, this like actual entity in the sky that dwells over our lives and judges us? Do you think it's saying to those that have more will be given in saying, hey, if you're rich, I'm going to give you more cool stuff and if you're not, you're screwed to those that have more will be given to those that do not have even that which they have will be taken away.

No, it's talking about consciousness, right? Remember it said that the word of God created everything. Let's interpret just for a little while afterwards you can say, Jake, stupid. His stuff didn't make sense. I'm getting rid of this idea. But just for the course of this video, I invite you to try on the idea that the word of God, change that word and call it consciousness. So it makes it a little bit more sense and commit in conventional language. So you say through faith, we understand that the worlds were formed by consciousness, so that things which are seen were not made of things which appear. So instead of the word of God, instead of saying the worlds were framed by the word of God, you say that the word of God means consciousness. You say the worlds were framed by consciousness, so that things which are seen were not made of that which appears.

So the physical world wasn't made by what you can see with the naked eye. It was formed by consciousness and you cannot see consciousness. Everything physical is actually made up of a nonphysical substance. That's what they're saying. So what does that mean? Your bank account is controlled by your thoughts do or love life is controlled by your thoughts. You can't see thoughts, but that's what people do. They go, how to thoughts become things you can't see thoughts and so they chalk it up to because you can't see it, then it must not have a real power on the physical world. And instead we think that Albert Einstein said a difficultly did differently, not difficulty different. He said that uh, particles don't create other particles. It's the same thing that they're saying right there, right. What we just read out of Hebrews 11 three was that which is seen doesn't come from that which appears, so the physical particles don't create more physical particles.

Albert Einstein said particles don't create other particles. So science is saying the same thing that religion is saying, that spirituality is saying, it's saying the same thing. And what is it saying is that if the physical world isn't created by other things in the physical world, it's created by the word of God. Now, if you replace the word of God with consciousness and that you have consciousness, it's saying that consciousness creates the physical world.

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