
Betty Lou Gerson as a Disillusioned Wife in an Episode of TV's Hazel (1964)

Betty Lou Gerson as a Disillusioned Wife in an Episode of TV's Hazel (1964) The first upload of a character actress new to this channel - Betty Lou Gerson, most famous for her role as the voice of Cruella de Vil in Disney's 101 Dalmatians!

In this episode of the classic TV sitcom Hazel, "Let's Get Away from It All," Miss Gerson plays the beleaguered Lois Brown, who drags her husband out for a romantic dinner, much to his protestation!

Episode Summary: "George tells the family he wants to take them out to dinner. Hazel talks him into going to her friends new restaurant. Once there, things do not go well and Hazel and the Baxters become the help."

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betty lou gerson,cruella de vil,hazel,television,sitcom,comedy,character actress,disney,disney villain,

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