Don’t forget to tell me how your week has been.
Thank you for taking the time to watch this - I hope to see you next time.
Please subscribe to my channel for more videos about mental illness and leave any questions or comments you may have in the space below.
Take care and I hope you have a safe, peaceful week.
#TheLittleBluePot #therapy
The Little Blue Pot
Welcome to my YouTube channel where I’m hoping to educate people on the different types of mental disorders to provide an understanding and learn ways to cope. I also vlog about my own experience of living with mental illness, as well as sharing other aspects of my life. I want to raise awareness of mental health problems and mental illness, so I hope my channel helps you and others.
I am not a qualified mental health expert, but I am an expert in living with mental illness. All my videos are based on lots of research and I do my best to explain everything as clearly as possible and provide examples from my life to help you understand. I might not get it right every time, but I do the best I can. I hope the findings from my research are of benefit to you.
This Vlog is from my perspective, but I do appreciate that not everyone will have had the same experience as myself - we are all different after all. I have also tried, where applicable, to reference everything correctly, but we are all human and make mistakes - please stick with me.
Please follow me:
Instagram: Gem_TLBP -
Twitter: @TLittleBluePot -
Facebook: @TLittleBluePot www.facebook.com/TLittleBluePot
The Little Blue Pot Videos:
- Playlist – Trauma and mental illness -
- Playlist – The Little Blue Vlog -
Useful numbers and websites
Samaritans - 116 123
Mental health line UK - 0300 5000 101
Sane line UK - 0845 767 8000
Mind information line (Info and advice) - 0845 767 8000
Mind website - mind.org.uk
Time to Change - time-to-change.org.uk
Rethink mental illness - rethink.org
USA - 1-800-273-8255
Canada - 514 723 4000
Ireland - +44 08457 909 090
Australia - 131114
- Lifeline 000
Title music - 'Martin' by Matt Bobs
Background music - Artist: Silent Partner
Song: Spring In My Step